Antica Torino Bitter Bianco - Antica Torino
Antica Torino nasce per proporre vini, liquori e distillati tradizionali del Piemonte, risalendo alle loro ricette originali e riscoprendo così sapori di nicchia spesso dimenticati.
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The liqueur

Antica Torino Bitter Bianco


One of the latest creations of Antica Torino

An innovative and artisanal Bitter Bianco to compete with the corporate world of spirits.

Antica Torino Bitter Bianco

European Version


Alcohol: 24% AbV.
Bottle Size: 700ml.
Color: Golden.
Sugar: 200gr/l.


In mixology the purpose of bitters is to balance out the taste of a cocktail. Cocktails primarily contain sweet and sour flavors, by adding another primary taste, bitter, into mixed drinks, a cocktail is given a more complex, and complete, flavor profile.


Antica Torino Bitter Bianco is a brilliantly translucent bitter bianco and aperitivo. Bright citrus aromas and fresh herbs are followed by vivid flavors of zests, resins and flowers. Among the many ingredients are cinnamon, wormwood, orange zest, saffron, myrrh and aloe. The recipe is the result of many attempts and tastings which stretched for quite some time and resembles a family’s recipe from the 50s. Enjoy this sunshine- hued spirit neat on the rocks or in classic cocktails.

Antica Torino Bitter Bianco

United States of America Version


Alcohol: 24% AbV.
Bottle Size: 750ml.
Color: Golden.
Sugar: 200gr/l.


In mixology the purpose of bitters is to balance out the taste of a cocktail. Cocktails primarily contain sweet and sour flavors, by adding another primary taste, bitter, into mixed drinks, a cocktail is given a more complex, and complete, flavor profile.


Antica Torino Bitter Bianco is a brilliantly translucent bitter bianco and aperitivo. Bright citrus aromas and fresh herbs are followed by vivid flavors of zests, resins and flowers. Among the many ingredients are cinnamon, wormwood, orange zest, saffron, myrrh and aloe. The recipe is the result of many attempts and tastings which stretched for quite some time and resembles a family’s recipe from the 50s. Enjoy this sunshine- hued spirit neat on the rocks or in classic cocktails.

An innovative and artisanal recipe

Enjoy this sunshine-hued spirit neat on the rocks or in classic cocktails.