Antica Torino Genziana - Antica Torino
Antica Torino nasce per proporre vini, liquori e distillati tradizionali del Piemonte, risalendo alle loro ricette originali e riscoprendo così sapori di nicchia spesso dimenticati.
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The liqueur

Antica Torino Genziana


Alpine and Apennines liqueurs

Six years after the foundation of Antica Torino and the very first batch of Vermouth di Torino Rosso, Vittorio and Filippo decided to produce among the most important alpine liqueurs of the region of Piedmont: Genepì and Genziana.

Antica Torino Genziana


Alcohol: 22% ABV.
Bottle Size: 700ml.
Appearance: ambra scuro.
Ingredients: Water, Wine, Alcohol, Sugar and Natural flavors.


Enjoy with soda or tonic or add a quarter ounce to your favorite stirred whiskey and gin cocktails for a surprising twist.


Gentiana is a family of owering plants that thrives three thousand feet above sea level in the Alps and Apennines of Italy, and gentian root has a unique bitterness and refreshing quality that has made it indispensable in traditional liqueurs for centuries. Perhaps no style of liqueur, however, captures the true character of gentian better than the classic Italian liqueur, genziana. Antica Torino Genziana displays citrus and herbal bitterness that linger elegantly on the tongue in a bold yet buoyant expression.

Alpine and Apennines liqueurs

A centuries-old heritage.